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Custom Acoustic Guitar Makers ...
The Anderson Guitar Co. | robert@robertandersonguitars.com | www.robertandersonguitars.com | Steel |
Andrew White Guitars | andrew@whiteguitars.net | www.andrewwhiteguitars.com | Steel |
Applegate Guitars | brian@applegateguitars.com | www.applegateguitars.com | Steel |
Jeff Babicz Signature Series Guitars | jeff@babiczsignature.com | www.babiczsignature.com | Steel |
Baranik Guitars | info@baranikguitars.com | www.baranikguitars.com | Steel |
Bashkin Guitars | michael@bashkinguitars.com | www.bashkinguitars.com | Steel |
Beard Guitars | sales@beardguitars.com | www.beardguitars.com | Other |
Beardsell Guitars | al@beardsellguitars.com | www.beardsellguitars.com | Steel |
Beneteau Guitars | beneteauguitars@rogers.com | www.beneteauguitars.com | Steel |
Mark Berry Guitars | markgeorja@aol.com | www.markberryguitars.com | Classical |
Fred Carlson, Beyond The Trees | wildsols@beyondthetrees.com | www.beyondthetrees.com | Other |
Mark Blanchard Guitars | blanchard@eurekadsl.net | www.blanchardguitars.com | Steel |
Caldwell Guitars | jcaldwellusa@hotmail.com | www.caldwellguitars.com | Steel |
Alejandro Cervantes | info@cervantesguitars.com | www.cervantesguitars.com | Classical |
Charis Acoustic | bill@charisacoustic.com | www.charisacoustic.com | Steel |
Chasson Guitars | kent@chassonguitars.com | www.chassonguitars.com | Steel |
Ed Claxton Guitars | emclaxton@aol.com | Steel | |
P.W. Crump Co. | crumpco@humboldt1.com | www.pwcrumpco.com | Other |
Mervyn Davis Luthier | merv@mervyndavis.com | www.mervyndavis.com | Steel |
DMT Guitars | dmtguitars@yahoo.com | www.dmtguitars.com | Archtop |
de Jonge Guitar company | info@dejongeguitars.com | www.dejongeguitars.com | Steel |
Tom Doerr Guitars | tom@doerrguitars.com | www.doerrguitars.com | Steel |
Doolin Guitars | healdsburg@DoolinGuitars.com | www.DoolinGuitars.com | Steel |
Joe Dragony Guitars | jmdragon@surewest.net | www.joedragony.com | Archtop |
Dry Creek Guitars | johno14@comcast.net | www.drycreekguitars.com | Steel |
Ebata Guitars | hiro@ebataguitars.com | www.ebataguitars.com | Steel |
Eichelbaum Guitars | deguitars@sbcglobal.net | www.eichelbaumguitars.com | Steel |
Ellsberry Archtop Guitars | jim@ellsberryguitars.com | www.EllsberryGuitars.com | Archtop |
Michael L. Elwell | michaelelwellguitar@yahoo.com | Classical | |
Fleishman Instruments | guitars@sbcglobal.net | Steel | |
Charles Fox Guitars | denise@charlesfoxguitars.com | www.charlesfoxguitars.com | Steel |
Ken Franklin Guitars | franklins@jps.net | www.franklinguitars.com | Steel |
Charles Freeborn | guitar@charlesfreeborn.com | www.charlesfreeborn.com | Steel |
Freeman TIMELESS INSTRUMENTS | david@timelessinstruments.com | www.timelessinstruments.com | Steel |
A Fuller Sound | wfullerarc@aol.com | www.afullersound.com | Steel |
Gage Guitars | gageguitars@comcast.net | www.gageguitars.com | Steel |
Bryan Galloup Guitars | bryan@galloupguitars.com |
www.galloupguitars.com |
Steel |
Geiger Guitars | geigerguitars@earthlink.net | www.geigerguitars.com | Steel |
Robert Girdis Guitars | rgirdis@aol.com | www.girdisguitars.com | Steel |
Graal Guitars | valentino@graalclassicalguitar.com | www.graalclassicalguitar.com | Steel |
Greven Guitar Company | grevenguitars@msn.com | Steel | |
Hamblin Guitars | hamblin-guitars@earthlink.net | www.hamblin-guitars.com | Steel |
Michael Hemken | michael@hemkenguitars.com | www.hemkenguitars.com | Archtop |
Hill Guitar Company | khill@hillguitar.com | www.hillguitar.com | Classical |
Hoffman Guitars | hoffmanguitars@qwest.net | www.hoffmanguitars.com | Steel |
Hollingworth Guitars | graham@hollingworthguitars.com | www.hollingworthguitars.com | Steel |
Hopkins Guitars | peter@hopkinsguitars.com | www.hopkinsguitars.com | Archtop |
John How Guitars | johow@johnhowguitars.com | www.johnhowguitars.com | Steel |
Harry Jansen Luthier | typhoon@xs4all.nl | www.harryjansenluthier.com | Archtop |
Jeffrey Yong Guitars | tcmych@tm.net.my | www.gimmusic.com | Steel |
Jenkins & Son Luthiers | jcj@cjenkinsluthier.com | www.cjenkinsluthier.com | Steel |
Y.Kawakami Guitars | yusukekawakami@gmail.com | www.ykawakami.com | Steel |
William C Kelday, The Guitar Workshop | guitarmaker@talk21.com | www.keldayguitars.com | Other |
Michael Keller Guitars | michael@kellerguitars.com | www.kellerguitars.com | Steel |
Kevin Turner Guitars | turnerguitar@shaw.ca | www.chinookguitars.ca | Steel |
Howard Klepper Guitars | howard@klepperguitars.com | www.klepperguitars.com | Steel |
Saul Koll | saul@kollguitars.com | www.kollguitars.com | Archtop |
Kragenbrink Guitars | lance@kragenbrinkguitars.com | www.kragenbrinkguitars.com | Steel |
Randall Kramer Guitars | sparky@randallkramerguitars.com | www.randallkramerguitars.com | Steel |
Krusa Guitars | kkrusa@bellsouth.net | www.krusaguitars.com | Steel |
Kumano Guitars | sakashtaguitars@california.com | Archtop | |
Laughlin Guitars | bob@laughlinguitars.ca | www.laughlinguitars.ca | Steel |
Laurie Williams Guitars | williams@guitars.co.nz | www.guitars.co.nz | Steel |
H. G. Leach Guitars | leagit@netshel.net | www.leachguitars.com | Steel |
Michael A. Lewis | malewis@nccn.net | www.michaellewisinstruments.com | Archtop |
Lucas Custom Instruments LLC | rwlucas@hsonline.net | www.lucasguitars.com | Steel |
Manzer Guitars | linda@manzer.com | www.manzer.com | Steel |
Mauel Guitars | whmauel@inreach.com | www.mauelguitars.com | Steel |
McAlister Guitars | mcaguitars@comcast.net | www.mcalisterguitars.com | Steel |
McCollum Guitars | mccollum@mccollumguitars.com | www.mccollumguitars.com | Steel |
McElroy Guitars | brent@mcelroyguitars.com | www.mcelroyguitars.com | Steel |
McKnight Guitars | tim@mcknightguitars.com | www.mcknightguitars.com | Steel |
Ted Megas | ted@megasguitars.com | www.megasguitars.com | Archtop |
John F. Mello, Luthier | jfm@lmi.net | www.johnfmello.com | Classical |
Mermer Guitars | rmermer@mermerguitars.com | www.mermerguitars.com | Steel |
Micheletti Guitars | rick@michelettiguitars.com | www.michelettiguitars.com | Steel |
Michihiro Matsuda | info@matsudaguitars.com | www.matsudaguitars.com | Steel |
Mirabella Guitars | mirguitars@aol.com | www.mirabellaguitars.com | Archtop |
Moll Custom Instruments | billmoll@sbcglobal.net | www.mollinst.com | Archtop |
Monicas Guitars | monica@monicasguitars.com | www.monicasguitars.com | Classical |
Moonstone Guitars | stevehelgeson1@SUDDENLINK.net | www.moonstoneguitars.com | Steel |
Matthew Mustapick Handmade Guitars | matt@mustapickguitars.com | www.mustapickguitars.com | Steel |
Nakashima Guitars | sakashtaguitars@california.com | Steel | |
Toru Nittono Guitars | none | www.nittonoguitars.com | Electric |
D L Noble Guitars | duane@dlnobleguitars.com | www.dlnobleguitars.com | Steel |
Nowland Guitars | joelnowland@qwest.net | www.nowlandguitars.com | Steel |
Oriskany Stringed Instruments | johanna@oriskanyguitars.com | www.oriskanyguitars.com | Steel |
John Osthoff Guitars | john@osthoffguitars.com | www.osthoffguitars.com | Steel |
Paragon Guitars | luthierdirect@telus.net | www.paragonguitars.com | Steel |
Ken Parker Archtops | www.kenparkerarchtops.com | Archtop | |
Shelley D. Park Guitars | info@parkguitars.com | www.parkguitars.com | Steel |
Perlman Guitars | alan@perlmanguitars.com | www.perlmanguitars.com | Classical |
Perry Acoustic Guitars | perryguitars@charter.net | www.perryacousticguitars.com | Steel |
Petros Guitars | petros@petrosguitars.com | www.petrosguitars.com | Steel |
Phoenix Guitar Co. LLC | george@phoenixguitarco.com | www.phoenixguitarco.com | Archtop |
Poling Guitars | brock@polingguitars.com | www.polingguitars.com | Steel |
Poulsen Guitars | eric@poulsenguitars.com | www.poulsenguitars.com | Steel |
Ravenworks Lutherie, Dave Montgomery | dave@ravenworksguitar.com | www.ravenworksguitar.com | Steel |
Raymond Kraut Guitars | raymond@krautguitars.com | www.krautguitars.com | Steel |
Tim Reede Custom Guitars | treede@earthlink.net | www.reedeguitars.com | Archtop |
Ribbecke Guitars | ribguitar@aol.com | www.ribbecke.com | Archtop |
Scott Richter Guitars | scott_richter@msn.com | www.richterguitars.com | Classical |
Robinsong Guitars | robinsongs@charter.net | www.robinsongguitars.com | Steel |
Running Dog Guitars | rick@vtguitars.com | www.vtguitars.com | Steel |
Russell Guitars | guitars@russellguitars.com | www.russellguitars.com | Steel |
Kevin Ryan Guitars, Inc. | ryanguitar23@earthlink.net | www.ryanguitars.com | Steel |
Sakashta Guitars | sakashtaguitars@california.com | www.sakashtaguitars.com | Archtop |
Schenk Guitars | rod@schenkguitars.com | www.schenkguitars.com | Steel |
Schoenberg Guitars | om28@pacbell.net | www.om28.com | Steel |
Bruce Sexauer, luthier | bruce@mojoluthier.com | www.sexauerluthier.com | Steel |
Sharp Custom Guitars | dsharp@sharpguitars.com | www.sharpguitars.com | Steel |
Sheppard Guitars | gdshepp@earthlink.net | www.SheppardGuitars.com | Steel |
Shiozaki Guitars | sakashtaguitars@california.com | Steel | |
Solomon Guitars | solomonguitars@comcast.net | www.solomonguitars.com | Archtop |
Ervin Somogyi | esomogyi@aol.com | www.esomogyi.com | Steel |
Stagnitto Guitars | jstag@att.net | Steel | |
Stratton Guitars | stephen@strattonguitars.com | www.strattonguitars.com | Steel |
Sugita Kenji | sugicraft@white.plala.or.jp | www.sugitakenji.com | Steel |
Summit Guitars | sdjohannessen@shaw.ca | www.summitguitars.com | Archtop |
Yokoyama-Guitar | sakamoto@wondertone.co.jp | www.yokoyama-guitar.jp | Steel |
Thorell Guitars | ryan@thorellguitars.com | www.thorellguitars.com | Archtop |
Threet Guitars | jthreet@threetguitars.com | www.threetguitars.com | Steel |
Tippin Guitars | bill.tippin@tippinguitar.com | www.tippinguitar.com | Steel |
Trenier Guitars | bryant@trenierguitars.com | www.trenierguitars.com | Archtop |
Rick Turner Guitars | rick@renaissanceguitars.com | www.d-tar.com | Other |
Tony Vines Guitars | tony@tonyvinesguitars.com | www.tonyvinesguitars.com | Steel |
Edward Victor Dick / Victor Guitars | evd303@evd303.com | www.evd303.com | Steel |
James Watts | jameswattsguitars@earthlink.net | www.jameswattsguitars.com | Steel |
Kathy Wingert Guitars | kathy@wingertguitars.com | www.wingertguitars.com | Steel |
Woolson Soundcraft | paul@woolsonsoundcraft.com | www.woolsonsoundcraft.com | Steel |
Last Updated: